Category: <span>Snowmobiling</span>

Spring Arrives Very Quickly

This was the quickest weather change we recall in the 13 years we’ve lived in Grayling.  Straight from a month of below-zero-temperatures to a week of 50 Deg. F and sunny.  Needless to say, all the snowmobile trails are done for the year. We look forward to another beautiful Summer …

Great winter conditions

We frequently find ourselves in March talking about how good the snowmobiling or skiing conditions are, and this March is starting off the same.  We’ve gotten several inches of snow today, and 6″ or so last week, so there is plenty of fresh white snow out there. Snowmobile trails may …

Saturday morning

Fresh snow this week, a beautiful day in the woods. A little brown on the trails around Starvation Lake this morning, with plenty of snowmobiles here Related Images:

Bright Spots and Brown Spots

Another slow weekend in Northern Michigan. Snow is a little thin on the ground, and some trails are too thin to groom. There were bright spots, though – our snowmobiling guests had a good weekend riding the lesser-used trails and riding off-trail in the Army land east of Grayling. Her …

Thin trails, light activity

It’s been a quiet week in Northern Michigan, in terms of weather, snowmobiling, and general activity.  There was some traffic over last weekend and through MLK day, but not a large amount.  That’s good for the trails, as the thin base would not withstand much heavy traffic on warm days. …

Snow and sunshine

Today was bright, sunny, and cold.  Snowmobile traffic appeared fairly light, though we did see plenty of machines northwest of here on our way to Petoskey for Stuart’s swim meet.  I took a few photos, including the lot of the bar at Starvation Lake.  We saw maybe 20 snowmobiles here.  …

Real Winter Weather

We’ve plowed snow 3 times this week, and gotten 6 inches or so in the past day.  Temperatures have been cold, around 0 deg.F.  It’s been a cold, dry snow this week, perhaps hard to stick together when grooming the trails? Snowmobile trail grooming started on Friday.  I saw too …

Snow and Winter returning

The new year brings us a welcome turn back to normal winter conditions.  Snow is falling — maybe 4 inches over the past day or two and another 5 or so in the forecast for the next 24 hours. Snowmobiling — On Saturday I saw many snowmobiles out, despite the …